
Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I barely even have the energy for this post right now. Sports conditioning KILLED me today. Pushed me right to my edge. After one particularly hard set I was completely out or breath/borderline asthma attack feeling and legit thought I was going to puke. Jackson def pushed us tonight since almost everyone at some point either blacked out or was seeing spots. It felt sooo good though. I never get to that level in my normal workout. I actually wish this class was twice a week because I would be in badass shape. He said that to jack up my normal workouts I should switch machines every 20 minutes (so 20 minutes of treadmill, stairs, and row or bike) because it confuses the muscles and burns more calories. He also said that when I do the stairmaster I should walk on a high incline but turn the speed down low enough that I don't have to hold on to the safety bars. Makes you work your body more. Going to attempt to hit the gym tomorrow night as long as I'm not too sore, although I walked for 50 mins before the class and then Sam and I walked for probs 20 mins after the class to cool down so I should be ok.

For dinner I made some badass guacamole. I only had 1 avocado left and wanted to make a fair amount of guac, so I tried something daring and added two heaping tablespoons of plain greek yogurt along with a heaping tablespoon of roasted garlic salsa. It was soooooo good. The yogurt added and tanginess and a little extra protein. It also means I have left overs for tomorrow!!!

And finally, I am on to week 3 of not biting my nails!!! I can't remember the name of the Essie polish, and I'm too tired to get up and look, but it's grey and cute and I love how long my nails are getting!!!
One goal at a time baby.

Xoxo Sarah

PS random thought, but my favorite shirts for working out are plain Hanes v-necks. I think I want a bunch more white and black ones.


  1. just remembered the nail colors is "master plan" by Essie

  2. someone hasn't been posting. i hope this doesn't mean you've lost motivation!! here's what i got for you: try a cabbage diet. for me the kicker was really the fact that i bought 4 kilos of cabbage, green and purple both, and didn't know what to do with it. all i've been eating is bland soup, salad, and the occasional mayonnaise-doused coleslaw. my belt is reaaaaallly big today...
