
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Holy sports conditioning

Wow, big workout tonight. I went to the Tuesday night sports conditioning class at 7pm with Erika and boy did I get my ass kicked!!! The instructor is a KPE major and a full back on the football team (and super hot) and he kicked our asses with intervals of cardio, legs/abs, and arms, all integrating different weights and medicine balls into the routine. My entire body was red half the time and I could feel myself shaking, but it felt good. I always say you can judge how good a workout is by the post-workout hair situation
I'd say that's pretty solid
The class really worked my entire body, and even though I know I will be sore as hell tomorrow, the class didn't kill me. It probably also help that I did a mile around the track afterwards (slowly) with Erika&Sam which helped keep my muscles loose, and then we did some yoga. Because I didn't die, I will def be doing the class again next week. And even though everyone says you should workout in the morning, I honestly enjoy working out at night. It helps relieve the stress of the day and eats up those sometimes boring hours of 6-9 when you don't really know what to do with yourself (because homework is obviously out of the question).
If I'm not in too much pain tomorrow I would like to attempt to run as much of 5k as I possibly can. Using this website that Coach Kelsey gave me I've been trying to build up my running game, but honestly have mostly been walking and I think it's about time to step it up. I hate running but love the idea of it and really want to be one of those people that can just be like "Oh ya I got up and ran 5 miles this morning so now I'm good to go fr the day". Mostly I imagine this happening on Thanksgiving so I can then stuff my face guilt free *whoops*.
As far asmy small goals have been going, I made it a week without biting my nails (well all but one, but I'm still counting it as a win) sooooo I got to paint my nails a new color tonight!!!
Essie "Mamba"

How white do my teeth look in that picture?? Holy cow! Anyway, I digress.
I also bought some solid healthy food for the rest of the week and am going to use some of the tips this book "Spark" mentioned here on certain foods (omega-3s) that combat cortisol, which is the cause for my belly fat (thanks stress!!). My friend Sam gave me some good tips, so big shout out to her!!
Xoxo love you all, thanks for the support!

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