
Monday, November 7, 2011

Reality Check and Self Control

Ok, so it has been a few weeks since I posted. I know I'm slacking. I think I've just been very frustrated with this whole process. I know diet is huge, which is really the biggest piece I'm not staying consistent with, but it's hard when A) you dont have a lot of $$ and B) when you're on a college campus and everyone around you is eating shitty food, a lot. Drinking doesn't help either.
I think the biggest thing is I needed a reality check, which I got the other day. I realized that if I keep looking at the big goal of 30 lbs, I'm going to fail because it just keeps seeming too daunting. Or I will have some buff chick dip and be like "fuck, I'm never going to make it". I realized the other day if I'm ever going to succeed I need to start breaking it down into smaller pieces because otherwise I feel like I'm losing control. And to prove to myself that I actually may HAVE some self-control, I gave myself a different challenge that has nothing to do with diet/exercise. As many of you know I bite my nails constantly. So I went out and bought a bunch of great nail polish (all by Essie)and did a really good job painting my nails. I'm going to keep each color on for 1 week, and if I don't bite my nails for that entire week then I will repaint my nails a new color. If I do bite my nails then I have to repaint it the same color until I can go one week without biting. Tomorrow will be the first week mark, and so far so good! I have gone a whole week without biting my nails, which helps me prove to myself that if I set smaller, more attainable goals that are also fun.
One thing that I set yesterday was my friend Erika and I are going to set a night every week (Weds) where we go to the gym together and work out for a solid 2 hours. We did it yesterday and it worked pretty well. We motivated each other to go long on the cardio, and showed each other some different toning up/yoga moves. I have been doing the Tone it up! Bikini Strap workouts 3 times a week and can really feel it in my chest, triceps and butt. I feel like if I make small weekly fitness goals (which, again, Tone It Up! is really great for) they then just naturally get integrated into my routine and I begin building up to better workouts. The toehr goal for this week is to get to at least one class at the rec a week. This week it will either be spin class tonight or sports conditioning tomorrow (hopefully both!).
My finally goal is to try and eat some sort of vegetable with every meal. Instead of making goals that are more like punishments (don't eat cheese, don't eat chocolate, don't drink coffee) I'm going to try a similar approach as with fitness: if I make small weekly goals that slowly build on top of each other they will naturally be integrated into daily life. So by eating veggies with every meal it means I will be eating more of them every day, and then can slowly phase out some of the less healthy foods.
Another thing I have to keep reminding myself is that coffee is NO GOOD. It costs me $$, dries me out, and only makes me more tired. I already have tons of different tea at my house, so it's stupid to waste all that. So when I'm craving coffee I'm gonna turn to water/tea (plus with the dryer cold weather my lips are getting chapped, and I know drinking more water helps keeping my mouth from looking like a dried out asshole).
Off to have some Kashi oatmeal and then rock it out to Dub Step on the treadmill!
PS this is just for fun :p
Word, from the lib

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